Experience SmartCare™ Rx ePrescribing
True integrated Rx functionality for improved efficiency and reduced risk
SmartCare™ Rx allows organizations to electronically prescribe medications seamlessly from within the platform to any Surescripts participating pharmacy, improving efficiency and helping to reduce the risk of prescription errors.
- Electronic prescription software increases efficiency and helps reduce the possibility of errors vs paper scripts.
- Electronic prescription services, or ePrescribing systems, provide easy access to patient and medication details, including current diagnosis, medications, and known allergies.
- SmartCare™ Rx is fully integrated into the SmartCare™ platform and clinical care management function, so prescriptions are seamlessly integrated into the treatment plan.
Experience the benefits of ePrescribing
SmartCare™ Rx ePrescribing software functionality includes prescribing, modifying, refilling, alerting for filled medications, capturing medication consents, and submissions to any pharmacy on the Surescripts ePrescribing network. If the need arises to send to a pharmacy not on the Surescripts network, scripts can be printed.
With SmartCare™ Rx, it’s easy for prescribers to order and refill prescriptions and to stay up-to-date with prescriptions and patient information.

The SmartCare™ Rx dashboard provides easy access to the patient and medication details, patient consent and their order history, current diagnosis and medications, and known allergies. SmartCare™ Rx is powered by First DataBank. All medications, formularies, strengths, and contraindications are based on current standards and maintained accordingly. It also supports Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substance (EPCS).
Because SmartCare™ Rx is fully integrated into the SmartCare™ software platform, it is also integrated into the care/treatment plan, and medications can be prescribed from and tracked within the plan itself. Any prescription-related information is also available for reporting and analysis via SmartCare’s robust and integrated analytics tools.

Designed to help behavioral health organizations succeed

SmartCare™ EHR
Hosted on the stable, secure Microsoft Azure cloud, SmartCare is the one platform that eliminates the need to connect, maintain, and secure disparate systems.

Smart solutions
SmartCare supports an extensive suite of solutions tailored to specific areas of a practice—from primary care to business intelligence—all aligned on one platform for holistic care management.

Support for multiple communities
As a true enterprise platform, SmartCare is ideal for multi-faceted organizations who provide many types of behavioral health and human services.

Servicing your success
Our in-house implementation services and Customer Success Program ensure that all of our customer partners use the SmartCare platform’s powerful functionality to reach their full potential.