Streamline’s Electronic Health Record (EHR), SmartCare™ Version R6, Health IT module(s) set forth below, have met all requirements for ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT. Streamline is a leader in web-based Electronic Health Record software for the behavioral health industry, and has partnered with Drummond Group to test and certify their ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT.
The all-inclusive behavioral health system was built from the ground up for inpatient, outpatient, and residential service providers. SmartCare meets all ONC Certification requirements and is dedicated to helping organizations improve the quality of patient care, maintain the privacy of patient health information, maximize clinical outcomes, and increase business efficiencies.
Certified Health IT Product List
Certification Information:
Vendor Name: | Streamline Healthcare Solutions |
Certified EHR Name: | SmartCare |
Certified EHR Version: | R6 |
Requirements Edition: | ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT |
Classification: | Health IT module(s) |
Additional SW Required: | HISPDirect, Dynamic Health IT ConnectEHR, Dynamic Health IT CQMsolution, Dynamic Health IT – Connect EHR FHIR Bulk |
Certification Criteria: | 170.315 (a)(1-5, 9, 12, 14-15); (b)(1-3, 10); (c)(1-3); (d)(1-9, 11-13); (e)(1, 3); (f)(1-3, 5); (g)(2-7, 9-10); (h)(1) |
Clinical Quality Measures: | 2v6; 9v5; 26v4; 31v5; 32v6; 55v5; 68v6; 71v6; 72v5; 102v5; 104v5; 105v5; 107v5; 108v5; 111v5; 113v5; 128v5; 136v6; 137v5; 139v5; 160v5; 161v5; 165v5; 169v5; 177v5; 190v5 |
Certification Number: | |
Certification Date by Drummond Group: | September 15, 2022 |
This Health IT module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Drummond Group is accredited by ANSI and approved by ONC for the ONC Health IT Certification Program to certify: Health IT Module(s) and Certification of other types of Health IT for which the Secretary has adopted certification criteria under Subpart C of 45 CFR.
Streamline Healthcare Solutions, LLC has adopted the following costs in order to comply with the requirements of 42 CFR 170.523(k)(iii) which mandates, in plain language, a detailed description of said costs. The following are the additional types of costs and contractual limitations that a user may be required to pay to implement or use the Health IT Module’s capabilities, whether to meet meaningful use objectives and measures or to achieve any other use within the scope of the health IT’s certification.
(1) A written license agreement is required for each customer which specifies the costs to license and implement the licensed program modules. The terms for contractual obligation are negotiable and include all third party add-ons.
(2) Licensing Fees are generally required for the applicable modules selected by the customer.
(3) Licensing and Support/Maintenance Fees for the electronic prescribing program, SmartCare Rx, are determined on a per prescriber basis.
(4) Additional fees are generally required for implementation of the licensed software and for any customization of the software to meet the requirements of the customer.
(5) Annual Support and Maintenance Fees, determined on a concurrent user basis, are required in order to receive the support services for the licensed program modules and receive updates of the software which may be required or desired to conform the meaningful use requirements in the future.
(6) Customization, support and maintenance fees may be required for specific state reporting requirements.
(7) Hosting fees, determined on a concurrent user basis, may be required if customer selects Streamline to host data for as long as the data is hosted by Streamline; and,
(8) Additional charges may apply to migrate data upon termination of the hosting arrangement with Streamline.
(9) Additional charges may apply for licensing requirements or customized requests as it relates to new requirements in the 21st Century Cures functionality
The 21st Century Cures Act and the “Communications Rule” at 45 CFR 170.403 protect open communication about specific health IT subjects as set forth below. Pursuant to 45 CFR 170.403(a)(2)(i), Streamline Healthcare Solutions will never prohibit or restrict any communication regarding the following:
- Making a disclosure required by law;
- Communicating information about adverse events, hazards, and other unsafe conditions to government agencies, health care accreditation organizations, and patient safety organizations;
- Communicating information about cybersecurity threats and incidents to government agencies;
- Communicating information about information blocking and other unlawful practices to government agencies; or
- Communicating information about a health IT developer’s failure to comply with a Condition of Certification requirement, or with any other requirement of this part, to ONC or an ONC-ACB.
Pursuant to 45 CFR 170.403(a)(1), Streamline Healthcare Solutions will never prohibit or restrict any communication regarding the following (unless such communication is covered by an exception set forth at 45 CFR 170.403 (a)(2)(ii)(A) through (E):
- The usability of SmartCare
- The interoperability of SmartCare
- The security of SmartCare
- Relevant information regarding users’ experiences when using SmartCare
- Streamline Healthcare Solutions business practices including but not limited to exchanging electronic health information
- The use of SmartCare by any user of the system
The Communications Rule Section 170.403(a)(1) applies to communications about SmartCare’s certified applications. The current list of what the SmartCare product is certified for under ONC certification is outlined on this page. We ask that if you plan to share information regarding SmartCare that you do not do so publicly (such as via social media or on YouTube) or with someone who is developing, is planning to develop, or is helping others improve a competitive product. Please be sure to review the text of the Communications Rule before making any communication regarding the SmartCare software.
If you do want to share something publicly – an article, a blog post, a TV show, etc. – we ask that you let us know about your publication as a courtesy. Also, it’s your responsibility to make sure what you share fits within the Communications Rule (including that any screenshots are only about certified applications) and these guidelines, or, if you are unsure, is approved by Streamline Healthcare Solutions in advance.
SmartCare™ Real World Testing
Under the ONC Health IT Certification Program (Program), Health IT Developers are required to conduct Real World Testing of their Certified Health IT (45 CFR 170.556 and 170.523(i)). The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) issues Real World Testing resources to clarify Health IT Developers’ responsibilities for conducting Real World Testing, to identify topics and specific elements of Real World Testing that ONC considers a priority, and to assist Health IT Developers to develop their Real World Testing plans. Streamline is committed to meeting and exceeding the requirements as outlined in the ONC Program rules. Beginning in 2022, Real World testing will occur annually. The current testing plan as submitted to ONC is available here.
Real World Test 2023 R6 Result
Real World Test 2023 5.0 Result
Real World Test 2024 R6 Result
API Data Access of SmartCare™ Records
Streamline offers an API to exchange data between EHR systems and third party applications. There are no additional charges for the use or integration with the Streamline API above what is specified in a Streamline customer’s contract. In order to ensure the authenticity of API users, the request for exchange of data via SmartCare™ API must be initiated by a contracted Streamline customer. From there the proper user account and tokens can be established to ensure the API user authenticity. Streamline is committed to providing support to API users throughout the duration of the data exchange as is reasonably necessary to ensure exchange of data.
Electronic Health Information Export Documentation
Two Factor Authentication Availability
SmartCare™ offers SmartCare™ Two Factor Authentication as outlined in 45 CFR – 170.315(d)(13). The use
cases currently available in SmartCare™ are as follows:
- There is a system wide configuration which allows for the following:
- No users across the board require two factor authentication
- All users across the board require two factor authentication
- Only users accessing the SmartCare™ system via a remote IP address are required to provide two factor authentication.
- The system has configuration to determine which users are allowed to access the system remotely and to track the IP addresses which are NOT considered to be remote.
- For organizations where the SmartCare™ system configuration is set to require two factor authentication, this is applicable for both the SmartCare™ full EHR system and the SmartCare™ Anywhere solution.
- For organizations where the SmartCare™ system configuration is set to require two factor authentication, the user is required to enter a sequence of information sent to the user via one of the below methods during the login process. The following means are ways of verifying the user identity:
- SmartCare™ Anywhere push notification
- SMS notifications
- Email notifications