Loews Chicago O’Hare
5300 N. River Road
Rosemont, IL 60018
Education at SC2
Take advantage of the many opportunities to learn valuable industry information and new developments within Streamline with these topics.
- Optimizing your billing workflows
- Billing – utilizing SmartCare for your billing needs
- Super User training
- Technical tips and tricks
- Medical Workflow best practices
- DFA Forms – building from the user interface
- Troubleshooting your EHR
- SmartCare optimization
- Communication with other self-hosted customers
- Rx and Orders
- 270/271
- Data exchanges
- MCO did you know
- Labs – lessons learned
- Reimbursement models
- Self-Hosted customer optimization
- Integrated care
- Innovation lab
- Residential and Inpatient Care
- Accreditation audits
- Walk Me Through staff training
- Data Warehouse
- HIE, API and leveraging data across organizations in your community
- Using data across community providers to impact high cost customer outcomes
- Reducing staff burnout
- Telepsychiatry
- Streamline hosted customers – what Streamline is doing behind the scenes
- Integrating reimbursement models into SmartCare MCO
- Utilization Management
- Show and tell
- 2019 Build Upgrade & Support Overview
- More on MCO
- CQM and Meaningful Use Reporting
More to come!
Missed last year’s conference? Here’s a preview of the education offered.
Interested in becoming an Exhibitor/Sponsor?
For more information on how to become a sponsor or an exhibitor, please visit the below page.